Stella Blu Textile
Brand Media

Strengthen brand visuals through imagery that connects

As a subsidiary of Prosperity Textiles, Stella Blu strives to become the go-to for innovative, novel and indigo fabrications, with an edge in R&D to develop new dyes and designs. They advocate for more sustainable blends, such as linen, hemp, and tencel.

Brand Media

The Challange

Stella Blu wanted to produce imagery that communicated Italian heritage, its commitment to sustainability and product innovation. All while also conveying key ideas, metaphors and concepts in bold and concise way.

IGTV and Youtube Series

Stella Blu’s brand is highly intertwined with its Italian heritage, sustainability initiatives and product innovation. Through an IGTV and YouTube video series, we worked with the team to showcase their laser laundry capacities and stories behind product advancements. This series remains to be the most viewed content on Instagram and YouTube.

Editorials that Engages

The products are broken down to capsule collections, presenting the fabrics in a different light - through focusing on the story behind the fabrics. The editorial feel to the images promoted engagement from the viewers, including them as part of brand building process.

The Impact

The core idea behind positioning Stella Blu as an indigo innovator was to highlight the possibilities that experimentation brings, and this was translated through brand imagery. Enabling us to go beyond typical product features to convey Stella Blu’s youthfulness and expressiveness against the backdrop of its Italian craftsmanship roots.

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Stella Blu Textile



